Mahmutbey Mosque

Mahmutbey Mosque

13.09.2024 10:32

Built in 1366 by Emir Mahmoud, ruler of Candaroğlu Principality, Mahmutbey Mosque is 18 km from the city northwest of Kastamonu. The work, its real name is 'Friday Mosque', is also preferred today because it is known as Mahmutbey over time. The interior of the house of worship, where rubble stone is used for its exterior walls, is completely built on wood. There is plaster only in the altar. Meanwhile, the wood section, built with a completely interconnected system without using similar tools with no nails or metals, has also gained architectural importance with the rare labor system in Turkey. Another eye-catching point of the mosque is the gate. The door prepared with incredible care by Abdullah, the son of Nakkas Mahmut of Ankara, is very valuable. For security reasons, which you can see a full copy of the original, was made by Hikmet Değirmencioğlu, one of kastamonu's oldest wood carving masters. For security reasons, the original door can be seen at The Ethnography Museum Liva Pasha Mansion in Kastamonu. All wooden surfaces inside the mosque, which is on the Temporary List of UNESCO World Heritage Centre, are decorated with madder and pencil work, and all these decorations still remain in their original form.


Mahmutbey MosqueMahmutbey MosqueMahmutbey MosqueMahmutbey Mosque




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