Mardin Castle

Mardin Castle

27.01.2024 17:08

We are in the eagle's nest in the castle of Mardin city, which is mentioned with many names, including 'Eagle's Nest' in its thousands of years. The construction of Mardin Castle, which is not fully known but the oldest information obtained about it dates back to 330 BC. Shad Buhari, the famous king of the period, who worships the fire and worships the sun, remains at Mardin Castle in 330. King Buhari, who was very ill in when he came here at first, recovers during his stay in the castle. Believing that Mardin Castle is healing, Buhari immediately builds a pavilion next to the castle and lives here for 12 years. Buhari, who brought many soldiers and civilians from his home town of Babylon and Persian to Mardin during his time in The Pavilion, convinces them to stay here in their new cities. The city has progressed quite quickly in the process. Mardin Castle, which has been home to the people of Buhari for many years, was shaken by a major plague outbreak in 442. With the plague outbreak reaching the extent of carnage, there are no survivors in and around the castle. After this incident, the castle remains empty for 100 years. When the historical scenes show their 975 years, Hamdani King Hamdani Bin Al Hasan Nasser Al Devle Bin Abdullah Bin Ham makes the city more sheltered by adding to Mardin Castle, which has been dominated for hundreds of years. The castle, which was encircled by The Mongolian Commander and founder of the Timur Empire, who lived in the 14th century, finds its place in the memories of Evliya Çelebi. Mardin Castle, also known as the castle that does not fall, with its very large water cisterns and its warehouses filled to the brim, still greets Mesopotamia every day with its long history of thousands of years.


Mardin CastleMardin CastleMardin CastleMardin Castle



  • melisacubuk
    21.09.2022 07:27

    Şehirde uluslararası kuruluşlarca kültür mirası kabul edilmiş, koruma altına alınmış tarihi yapılar mevcuttur. Mardin farklı dini inanışlar paralelinde, sanatsal açıdan da tarihi değeri olan camiler, türbeler, kiliseler, manastır ve benzeri dini eserler barındırmaktadır.

  • furkanakay
    05.07.2022 08:05

    Harika bir kale kayalıklar sur olarak kullanılmış ve içeride bir şehir. Şuanda askeriye olarak kullanıldığından giriş yok uzun bir sürede olmayacak heralde.

  • irembozz
    25.08.2022 07:41

    Mardinde geldiyseniz az bir vaktiniz de olsa bu kaleye çıkın derim. Kaleye çıkın dediysem elbette kaleye giriş yasak. (Çökme tehlikesi nedeniyle) ama o yükseklikten mezopotamya izlenmeli. Hemen kalenin eteklerinde

  • huseyinatess
    17.12.2022 16:56

    Mardin'in bu kadar güzel olacağını tahmin etmemiştim ilk fırsatta tekrar geleceğim gezmek için günün büyük bölümünü buraya ayırın.


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