Mardin Grand Mosque

Mardin Grand Mosque

23.03.2024 04:16

Mardin Grand Mosque, which is seen as the 'Symbol of Islam of the Stone City', is one of the oldest Islamic buildings in the city. The building, which fills its eyes with its architecture, has an important place especially in terms of religious tourism of the city. Mardin city, which is a bridge from Anatolia to Mesopotamia, is home to numerous cultures, religions and civilizations. The city, which has been of strategic importance in its thousands of years' history, is part of a major mosaic, with the people behind the many conquests and destructions it has experienced. This city, where you can come across people of all ethnicities and beliefs, has been one of the indispensable cities of Turks for many years. The year of construction of Mardin Grand Mosque, which was proved to exist in 1176 as a result of research by historians, is not fully known. The mosque, is known to have been built by Kutbüddin Ilgazi. One of the beys of Artuklu, ruler II. of Diyarbekir, bears great marks from Akkoyunlus and Artuklus. Mardin Grand Mosque, which has 16 different inscriptions, is known to have been damaged during the siege of Mardin by the Timur Emperor Timur and its minaret was destroyed. Then a new minaret is made in the house of worship repaired by the Mamluks. Mardin Grand Mosque, which stands as if it is stuck in the central bazaar of the city, creates a separate spaciousness in itself as it is designed as a courtyard like all Artuklu structures. The building, which is one of the oldest houses of worship in Mardin, which is made of almost all buildings made of yellow limestone and is therefore referred to as the 'Stone City', also holds an important place in terms of religious tourism.


Mardin Grand MosqueMardin Grand MosqueMardin Grand MosqueMardin Grand Mosque



  • huseyinatess
    17.12.2022 16:58

    Mardin’in simgelerinden Ulucamii

  • mervebakknn
    10.08.2022 07:21

    Eski mardin de görülmesi gereken nadide eserlerden biri olan ulu camii Mardindeki Camilerin en eskisidir. 1176 tarihinde yapıldığı bilinir..

  • Yusuf Islam
    23.08.2021 11:54



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