Tellallar Bazaar (Bazaar With Rivaq)

Tellallar Bazaar (Bazaar With Rivaq)

03.05.2024 04:33

The exotic values, has special place, which Mardin experienced a detoration in the tourism because of it, in southern Turkey in recent years. Local delicious with its hot and sweet authentic texture, the history of heritage past to the present day and of course tellallar bazaar... This bazaar, which is thought to have been built in the 17th century and underwent extensive repairs in the early 2000s, is located near the Reyhaniye Mosque in the center of Mardin. It is also known as Revaklı Bazaar because of its front open, with Rivaq. The use of cut stone in the bazaar, the Rivaqs and the small shops with round facades again stand out. Souvenirs can be purchased in the shops here. The copper vessel,housewears, utensils, handcrafted decorations, various objects that can hang on the walls, cups, candlelier and many other authentic souvenirs can be found here... It can also be witnessed artisans handcraft working. The historical bazaar, which is generally located in Mardin, is a colorful place that can be seen in a short time.


Tellallar Bazaar (Bazaar With Rivaq)Tellallar Bazaar (Bazaar With Rivaq)Tellallar Bazaar (Bazaar With Rivaq)Tellallar Bazaar (Bazaar With Rivaq)



  • huseyinatess
    17.12.2022 16:46

    Mardin'in çarşıları mutlaka görülmesi gereken yerlerde ikinci sırayı alır.

  • irembozz
    25.08.2022 07:27

    Mardinden dönerken hediyelik almak isteyenler kesinlikle bakırdan yapılmış hesiyeler alabilirler. Fiyatları biraz yüksek gelebilir ama

  • furkanakay
    05.07.2022 08:36

    Sanatçılar çarşısıda denilebilir bakırcılar ve ressamların olduğu tarihi önem taşıyan el işçiliği görüceğiniz çarşılardan.

  • mervebakknn
    10.08.2022 06:50

    Revaklı Çarşı yolun iki yanında yer alan revaklar ile arkalarındaki beşik tanozlu dükkanlardan oluşmaktadır. Çeşitli el sanatları yapan dükkanların bulunduğu bu çarşıda gezmek çok eğlenceli


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