

16.06.2024 16:56

The ancient city of Kadyanda in Muğla, which is surrounded by history and artifacts of history, is located close to Fethiye town. The historic region is believed to have been founded in the 200 B.C., and offers a different experience for travelers who champ at the bit

The historic settlement, on the other hand, is filled with the grueling effects of thousands of years of history. A small part of its fortifications, tombs, inscriptions and the Hellenistic Theatre in relatively good condition are seen. Although it can be seen with the trees that have come out of the stones, it knows how to keep the glory of the ancients alive.

Other parts of the city such as Kadyanda bath, running track, cistern, temple ruins are completely in ruins. There are also different remains that provide insight into the daily routine and settlements of antiquity. Objects and details, though scarcely enough to be chosen, remain traces of the artistic detail of the time.

The majority of the remains belong to the Roman period and life in the settlement is estimated to have lasted until the 7th century. According to some estimates, the reason for the abandonment of Kadyanda is due to serious water problems in the region. However, the accuracy of this thesis has not been revealed in the sources with clear evidence.

The ancient settlement, where there is also an excursion route, can thus be examined in all its details in a very comfortable way. There is also a tomb monument proposed to be seen as part of the trip, about 4 kilometers from Kadyanda. The important settlement in this historical document entourage deserves to be seen up close and awaits your visit.






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