Ataturk House

Ataturk House

17.01.2024 00:19

This house, where The Founder of the State of the Republic of Turkey, Headteacher Gazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk stayed, was on his way back to Ankara after the Sivas Congress, has an important place in Turkish history. Ataturk, who started the War of Independence in order to save the occupied territories of the Ottoman Empire and give the people a fully independent form of governance, takes many preliminary steps to lay the foundations of this war. The Sivas Congress, the last pre-war meeting organized by bringing together the country's leading soldiers, artists and scientists, is also the most important of these steps. Ataturk, who set out to return to Ankara after the Sivas Congress, the last meeting organized to restore the Turkish nation's full independent form of governance,while returnşng he changes his route maining pass through Nevsehir in order to visit Hajibektas-i Veli Hazret and stays at this house, which is also has great importance interms of architecture, between 22-23 December 1923 His house, the most magnificent of those created from adobe and hatıl materials of the 19th century, this house is one of the most simple and stylish examples of Ottoman civil architecture style. The building was restored in 2001 by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in accordance with its originality and is one of the most visited works of Nevşehir today. As a museum, the museum house, which can be visited every day of the week except Mondays, between official business hours, also gives important information about the style of life in the period with its interior design.


Ataturk HouseAtaturk HouseAtaturk HouseAtaturk House



  • irembozz
    12.10.2022 14:11

    Mustafa Kemal Paşa, Kurtuluş Savaşı öncesi Milli Mücadele için yurdu dolaşırken Hacıbektaş ilçesine de gelmiş ve bu konakta konaklamış. Konağın içi güzel bir şekilde dizayn edilmiş. Girişler ücretsiz.

  • huseyinatess
    07.12.2022 08:27

    Atamızın Hacı Bektaş da Sivas kongresi sonrası konakladığı ev. Tarih kokuyor.


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