Ishak Castle

Ishak Castle

08.03.2024 09:18

Located in cappadocia region, which dates back to a long time, Ishak Castle is known as one of the token landmarks. The castle, which was known to have been built between the 10th and 11th centuries when it was ruled by the Byzantine Empire, dates back to the 15th century. It is known by Isaac Pasha, one of the commanders of the famous Ottoman Sultan Fatih Sultan Mehmed, who conquered Istanbul, was using it as a central base function during the Kilikya campaign in southern Anatolia. The historical castle used by Isaac Pasha for command purposes is known as Isaac Castle in the following process. Is said to have an underground connection Nearby Ortahisar Castle, but so far no tunnels or evidence have been uncovered in this direction. The main thought about the possible tunnel, which has been the subject of research for many years, is that it was destroyed as a result of growing population and the spread of settlements around the castle. Isaac Castle, whose highest point is 54 meters, welcomes many visitors especially in summer with its authentic view and location close to many tourist attractions.


Ishak CastleIshak CastleIshak CastleIshak Castle




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