Mevlevihane Mosque

Mevlevihane Mosque

06.05.2024 22:12

The concept of Mevlevi, created by his son Sultan Veled, to pass on his teachings to future generations after the death of poet and thinker Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi; Also expands Şanlıurfa, which embraces history. In the 18th century, the building was built east of Hashimiye Square for the meetings Mevlevis, which became a ceremony over time in Urfa. The oldest archive record of The Mevlevihane is pointed to 1758. From this record, it is understood that a person named Abdülkerim Efendi was appointed as the first trustee of the Mevlevihane Foundation in 1706. Here, they played instruments such as reed,kudüm (double drums) and etc. at the Mevlevi meetings and performed sema shows. After the lodge used in this way for a while, the same place was opened for worship as a mosque. Mevlevihane, which was devastated at the time before it was converted into a mosque, was tried to repair it, but it could not be fully repaired. The sections of the building, which was abandoned to its fate were demolished except the semahane. Today, in the place where it is seen as a bazaar, kiosk shops were built in those years and fruit and vegetables were sold. The Mevlevihane Mosque, which is covered with a single dome with a square plan and used cutstone, was restored by the General Directorate of Foundations. On the western façade of the mosque there is a bazaar adjacent to the layout. Although the bazaar had a structure preferred by butchers in its early periods and deli products were sold, it was later converted into an area where souvenirs were sold.


Mevlevihane MosqueMevlevihane MosqueMevlevihane Mosque




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