Suayb Ancient City

Suayb Ancient City

14.01.2024 16:50

The Ancient City of Şuayb, which is referred to as ephesus of the Southeast due to its structure resembling Ephesus, was positioned as a settlement between the 4th and 5th centuries BC. For the city, which is 38 kilometers from Harran, it is rumored that the Prophet Şuayb used a cave here as a house and a house of worship. The Ancient City of Şuayb, named after the legend, was built in the late Roman period. Typical Roman houses are dominated by a structure with a triangular forehead and a courtyard encircled with walls and a cape beneath it. Every house has a water well. Entrance to houses is from the courtyard. The doors where the entrance is made are opened to the streets with a planned ways. Although no extensive archaeological examination has been carried out so far, there have still been enough research to form common thought in the Ancient City of Şuayb. Accordingly, in a cave in the ancient city, there is the position of the Prophet Şuayb. Another case comes from the name of the city of Şuayb. It is estimated that the city, which means 'Old City of Man' in Arabic, is the area where people living on the Harran Plain as a summer house.


Suayb Ancient CitySuayb Ancient CitySuayb Ancient CitySuayb Ancient City



  • muratty
    12.10.2022 07:47

    Büyük bir antik kent daha önce bu kadar geniş alana sahip bir kent görmedim, bu alanda bulunan mağaralar genel olarak bir birine bakan 3 giriş olan mağara kümeleri(odalarından)nden oluşuyor.

  • furkanakay
    02.12.2022 07:06

    Eski kadim bir şehir, görülmesi gereken bir yer. Restorasyon yapılsa dahada muhteşem olurr…

  • mustafaalii
    12.08.2022 07:17

    Hz. Şuayb ın yaşadığı Hz. Musanın kaçıp geldiği tarihi bir şehir. Taşların oyularak yapıldığı müthiş evler 4000 yıllık tarihi olan çok güzel bir yer.

  • acelyaabasar
    02.11.2022 08:25

    Urfa tam bir açık hava müzesi Burada 3500 adet mağara olduğu soylendi Çocuklar tanışıp konuşmayı seviyor. Burada kimse oturmuyor. Çocuklar çevre köyden gelmişler. Buranın tarihini anlatıyorlar.


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