Hızırbey Mosque

Hızırbey Mosque

11.01.2024 13:21

Located in Trabzon, eastern Turkey, on the Black Sea coast, The Hızırbey Mosque stands out as one of the city's landmarks. It is thought that the mosque dating back to the 16th century was built on the site of a masjid and is mentioned in written sources, where it was completed in 1798. On the other hand, it have not gained clarity on the questions of why the masjid has been decommissioned and replaced with a mosque. The mosque looks quite elegant from the outside, its historical atmosphere and beauty also shows in the interior. The rectangular structure consists of sections where men and women pray and the arched section (the last congregational place) between the mosque and the courtyard. Single domed and single minaret. There are two wooden door entrances. Small columns decorated in the hollow section, called the altar, where the imam prays in front of the congregation stand out. In general, fine pen works stand out in the mosque where herbal decoration motifs are predominant. The structure offers a bright and spacious ambience with one row of wooden windows on two sides, and double rows on its other two sides. The mosque, which underwent various repairs in the mid-1800s and early 1900s, has undergone a series of changes in this context, but is very close to the original, and today provides both worship and visiting services as a treasure from the past.


Hızırbey MosqueHızırbey MosqueHızırbey MosqueHızırbey Mosque




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