The Church of Little Ayvasıl (St. Anna)

The Church of Little Ayvasıl (St. Anna)

27.06.2024 16:33

One of the oldest religious structures in the city, The Church of The Little Ayvasıl (St. Anna), is one of the most valuable architectural structures left over from the Byzantine Empire to the lands of Trabzon. The structure, called The Church of The Little Ayvasıl or St. Anna's Church, is the oldest church in Trabzon. The church, which is protected by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey, is considered one of the most special examples of Byzantine architecture. The Church of The Little Ayvasıl (St. Anna), one of the most important examples of religious structures of the 9th century, which was built between 884 and 885 AD, is actually a basilica of three naves (the plan is not a cross, it is made up of long corridors, much larger than churches, The Christian sanctuary). According to the book at the entrance door of the church, the structure was built by The Byzantine Emperor Basileios I of Macedonian descent. In all the restoration works it has undergone over the years, the structure, which has been repaired by staying true to its original, also has frescoes from much later periods. The Church of Little Ayvasıl (St. Anna), which has a very important place especially for Christians, welcomes thousands of local and foreign tourists every year with its mystical atmosphere, the mural depicting the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and in all its glory.


The Church of Little Ayvasıl (St. Anna)The Church of Little Ayvasıl (St. Anna)The Church of Little Ayvasıl (St. Anna)The Church of Little Ayvasıl (St. Anna)




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