Stone Inn (Foundation Inn)

Stone Inn (Foundation Inn)

01.04.2024 01:50

Known as the most proud but also the most magnificent inn of Trabzon, Stone Inn is located in the Foundation Inn Bazaar Quarter. The inn, which was built between 1531-1533 by the Governor of Trabzon, Alexander Pasha, bears traces of typical Ottoman architecture. There is a courtyard in the middle of the inn, which has a plan close to the square and a two-storey structure. Although some rooms on the upper floor are not currently in use, Stone Inn is a structure that is still in use today. The walls of Stone Inn (Foundation Inn), which have survived to this day with various repairs, have been built from the proper scally stone. The sections rivaq arches and vault dome, made of brick are tile red. The roof covered with tile in the Ottoman style earlier was replaced with concrete mosaics after the repair in 1980. Although it has been repaired many times since the Ottoman period, arrangements have been made by staying true to the original. For this reason, there is still the dusty smell of history in the corridors of Stone Inn, where lately shops are added to the northern façade. When you climb up their stairs, it gives the impression that you'll meet people at that time.


Stone Inn (Foundation Inn)Stone Inn (Foundation Inn)Stone Inn (Foundation Inn)Stone Inn (Foundation Inn)




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