

18.07.2024 07:24

Feshane, one of the legendary places in İstanbul, was established in 1826 with the efforts of Mahmut II. It only served to meet the uniform needs of the janissary army initially. Today, it functions as a fair and exhibition center. It is located on the coastline of the Golden Horn and it is especially popular in the Ramadan month.

The Ottoman Empire made a modification in the uniforms in the mid 1800s. To meet the need for these uniforms, it was suggested to establish the Feshane Weaving Factory. They managed to get into an international exhibition in USA with the fabrics and fezes manufactured in 1893. They even got an award from one of these special fairs. The Ottoman military started to buy their uniforms from Austria in the upcoming years. This place focused on fez manufacturing. Eventually, the name of this place changed into Feshane-i Amire. When it was 1992, this building was turned into a museum with the initiatives of the municipality and some private enterprises. The high tides in the Golden Horn started to threaten the building, therefore it was evacuated and left idle.

In 1998, the historical building was restored again. Thus, the Feshane building was finally rescued from demolition. Feshane, located within the borders of Eyüp, is home to the most colorful events of the city. Events which are organized free of charge for the public also add color to this place as well as significant international organizations. When you say Feshane, the first thing that comes to mind is Ramadan entertainment. This area is actively used before and after the iftar. In this Ramadan tradition which has lasted for long years, amusement parks for children are the most popular spots among families. Other than that, concerts, private screenings, events, feasts and fairs are all organized in this area. Feshane is also considered the first actual textile industry initiative in Turkey. 






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